Map - Directions - Car parking

Located within a five-minute walking distance from Bruges’ main square, called ‘De Markt’ in Dutch,
Bryghia Hotel is easy to reach by car and train and is well-connected to Belgium’s main airports.


Starting from Brussels Airport, Bryghia Hotel can be reached by car (1 hour) and by public transport (1 hour 50 minutes).

Guests who arrive at Ostend Airport can reach Bryghia Hotel by car (30 minutes) and by public transport (50 minutes).

Starting from Lille Europe Railway Station, Bryghia Hotel can be reached by car (50 minutes) and by public transport (1 hour 45 minutes).

Our front desk can arrange for a taxi to pick you up from any location within a radius of 160 km/100 miles from the hotel.

Car parking

Bryghia Hotel has 3 garage boxes at its disposal, located within a five-minute walking distance from the hotel. As supply is limited, pre-booking is essential. Garage boxes are available for €20 per night.

Contact us directly to reserve your parking.

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